Welcome to Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin
Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin
An introduction to Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin
Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin offer subsidised, comfortable, sheltered accommodation for older, single men in two almshouses: Rye Hill (next to Newcastle College) and Thomas Horsley House at Benwell. Both locations also provide shared communal facilities.
Our long-standing charity provides accommodation at these two sites for 58 single, economically or socially disadvantaged men, over the age of 50, who are inhabitants of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne and in certain circumstances from Tyne and Wear. While residents are expected to be capable of independent living, some may from time to time require temporary, short- term support, either because of their health, or because they have become vulnerable.
Brief history
The Hospital of St.Mary the Virgin was in existence in the old town of Newcastle in the years 1183-4. The word ‘Hospital’ is used in its ancient meaning, that of a charitable institution, giving refuge, hospitality, maintenance and education to the needy, aged or infirm or young people. The original site was near where the Stephenson Monument now stands, towards the foot of Westgate Road. Click here to read more about our history.
The Rye Hill Homes and the new Thomas Horsley House at Benwell are managed by the Almshouse Trustees who are a body of ten. One of the Trustees is appointed by the Bishop of Newcastle upon Tyne and following amendments to the Scheme, two are appointed by the City Council and the remaining seven are co-optative Trustees appointed by the nominative Trustees. These Trustees have charge also of some investments, in the name of the Official Custodian for Charities, which represent accumulated surplus income of the Almshouse Charity.
That the two Charities continue to promote the objects and intentions of the original founders is surely a tribute to all those who have been and are now responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the Hospital over some 800 years.
Vacancies at Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin
For details of vacancies at The History of Hospital of St. Mary the Virgin or to be put on the waiting list, please contact the Manager, Ms. Patricia J Embleton 0191 274 0136, or email admin@hsmtv.org